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Prescription Drug Discount Card

National League of Cities Prescription Discount Card Program

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will residents save by using the discount card?

While savings on each prescription may vary, the NLC Prescription Discount Card Program saves an average of 20 percent off of the pharmacy’s regular retail prices. The savings are validated monthly and annually.

What if a pharmacy’s price on particular prescription drugs is lower than the discount card price?

The program uses a “lower-of” pricing schedule so that residents are never disadvantaged by using the discount card. On occasion, a participating pharmacy may have a lower price on particular prescription drugs. If that occurs, residents will always pay the lowest price.

Who pays the cost of the discount?

Pharmacies in the national discount network agree to absorb the cost of the discount. The benefit to the pharmacy of participating in the program is that it creates customer loyalty and increases store traffic.

Does NLC or Caremark share the personal information of residents using the discount card?

NLC and Caremark place the highest priority on maintaining privacy. Very little personal information is collected as there is no enrollment process for the program. Personally identifiable data is maintained in accordance with federal privacy laws. No personal information is given or sold to manufacturers or direct marketers.

Does NLC or Caremark receive revenue from the program?

Neither NLC nor any participating city receives revenue for sponsoring the discount card program. Caremark receives a small processing fee on prescriptions purchased with the discount card.

Does the program provide a competitive advantage to CVS Pharmacies?

All major pharmacy chain (Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-Mart, etc) and most local independent pharmacies, nearly 60,000 pharmacies nationwide, participate in the discount card network. Residents are not encouraged or incentivized to use CVS pharmacies over any other chain or independent pharmacy.

Can the discount card be used with other prescription insurance benefits?

The program is not insurance; it is a prescription discount program. The card cannot be used to supplement insurance benefits. The card can be used for prescriptions not covered by an insurance plan.

More information: Marc Shapiro, Program Director, Enterprise Programs, National League of Cities, 202.626.3019 or email: [email protected].