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Robert (Robbie) Byrd
City Manager
(912) 826-5745
Email Robbie Byrd 


Dulcia King

Dulcia King 

Fran Harbin

Hadassa Villafaña
Finance Director
Phone: (912) 826-5745
Email Hadassa Villafana

Sheri Swagert

Hannah McDaniel
Accounting Clerk
Phone: (912) 826-5745
Fax: (912) 826-2083
Email Hannah McDaniel 

Sheri Swagert

Tiffany Herbert
Administrative/Payroll Technician
Phone: (912) 826-5745
Fax: (912) 826-2083
Email Tiffany Herbert

Laura Cribb
Utilities/Customer Service
Phone: (912) 826-5745
Fax: (912) 826-2083
Email Laura Cribb

Cristina Lawson

Jackie Hollis
Utilites/Customer Service
Phone: 912-826-5745
Fax: 912-826-2083
Email Jackie Hollis

Teri Lewis
Planning and Development Director
Phone: (912) 826-5996 or
(912) 826-2270
Email Teri Lewis


David Mattos

Building / Zoning Inspector
Phone: (912) 826-5996 or
(912) 826-2270
Email David Mattos

Lolly Whatley

Zoning and Development Technician
Phone: (912) 826-5996 or
(912) 826-2270
Email Lolly Whatley


Sheri Swagart

Sheri Swagert

Planning and Development Specialist
Phone: (912) 826-5996 or
(912) 826-2270
Email Sheri Swagert


Corey Rahn

Lou Reed
Fire Chief
Phone: (912) 826-5022 (non-emergency)
Email Lou Reed

Jonathan Murrell

Jonathon Murrell

Police Chief
Phone: (912) 826-5022 (non-emergency)
Email Jonathon Murrell    


Jessica Davis

Kaylyn Harris
Court Clerk
Phone: (912) 826-5745 or
(912) 826-2076
Email Kaylyn Hackle

Tommy Kee

Tommy Kee
Waste Water Treatment Plant Director
Phone: (912) 826-5745
Email Tommy Kee


Deron Wilson
Recreation Director
Phone: (912) 826-0238
Email Deron Wilson

Josh Williams

Tara Childress
City Club Golf Course Clubhouse Manager
Phone: (912) 826-2092
Email Rincon Golf Course