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Municipal Court

City of Rincon Municipal Court Procedures & Protocols During Judicial Emergency 

Contact Information

Ray Smith - Municipal Court Judge

Kaylyn Harris - Court Clerk

Kim Humphries - Probation Officer

Rincon Police Department Court Room
107 W. 17th Street/P.O. Box 232
Rincon, GA 31326

Phone: 912-826-5665
Fax: 912-826-0876

Hours of Daily Operation

Monday thru Friday
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
(Excluding Holidays)

Court Sessions

Court sessions are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month with the exception of November and December at 4:00 pm. In those months, court will be the 2nd and 3rd Thursday at 4:00 pm.

You must APPEAR at court on the court date shown on your citation if you receive a citation in connection with a traffic accident.

General Information

If you appear at court, appropriate attire is required. No weapons, knapsacks, or backpacks allowed in court. If you require special accommodations you must contact the court at least five working days prior to appearance.

IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR (FTA) on the date shown on your citation, your driving privileges may be suspended in Georgia, a warrant for your arrest may be issued and a FTA complaint may be filed against you with additional fines of $200 plus all fees and surcharges. All fines / sanctions / fees must be paid in full prior to reinstatement of your driving privileges.

Payment Guidelines for Citations

Forms of payment accepted are Cash, Money Order, Visa or MasterCard. NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

If you choose not to appear in court, fines must be paid no later than 11:00 am the day of court. Be advised that there will not be any point reduction if you choose this option.

You can call 912-826-5665 to inquire about fine amounts or you can pay your citation online.

Probation Department

Rincon Municipal Court also includes the Probation Department. A Probation Officer will be present at the time of your court proceedings. The primary duty of a Probation Officer is to enforce the court’s order by working closely with court personnel and maintaining regular contact with the probationer. State law requires mandatory probation for certain offenses. For those who are ordered to pay unusually high fine amounts, the judge may also order probation. However, when a person is placed on probation, he or she becomes subject to several additional conditions of the probation order, regardless of the type of offense for which they appear in court. For more information about the Probation Department, please send your questions or concerns to [email protected] or call 912-826-5200.